Install Adobe Flash Player Linux Mint 16카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 01:56
Hello,There is a procedure of Manual Installation of Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu, follow these steps:. Open.
Choose Linux 32-bit on Step 1. Choose Flash Player 11.2 (tar.gz) on Step 2, download the file. Once download is complete, right click on the flie (tar.gz) and click on 'Extract here'. Launch Terminal (Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T). Go to that location where you extracted the file. Run this command: sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins. Launch Mozilla Firefox and check do you have Adobe Flash PlayerThanks,Vikram.
Hi Vikram,Thanks again. The link and the tar.gz file points to an image for Intel 386architecture. I confirmed it using readelf -h. I need it forARM.Then I unpacked the.apk files of android releases from your websites, Iwas able to find the libflashplayer.so for ARM LE target there. If I copyto the /usr/lib/./plugins/ directory, and if I type www.youtube.com, thebrowser crashes. But the same browser works fine if I browse pages thatdont have flash content in it.Regards,Aananth C N.
Install Flash Player Linux Mint
A few days ago I actually had Flash under Firefox and Kubuntu 12.10 working correctly, but some update or other seems to have killed it - in two stages. First, I wasn't able to play Flash pages on the Flash Media server - I kept getting the 'not available' error. In my attempts to correct that I instead made things worse; now I can't view any Flash pages at all.I've done the obvious things. I've installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled flashplugin-installer.
I've downloaded both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of that package and tried to install the software from the downloaded packages instead of from the repositories. I've copied libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins. Nothing seems to help.I'm running out of ideas.